The new direction of dining in Hong Kong? The Sixteenth in Quarry Bay opens later this year, housing four new Pirata Group restaurants under one roof. It's 18,000-square-feet (!!) and has room for 400 diners.
同時也有46部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This is getting ridiculous! Housing prices in China have now got to the insane price that an entire year's salary can only buy you 10 square feet, so ...
「square feet」的推薦目錄:
square feet 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 即係,我英文都唔係十分好(拎個B仔啫,況且畀高我啦)。所以一般都唔會指正人或乜。況且有時語文嘅嘢,都真係幾多主觀,約定俗成,現代用法同五十年前又唔同,鬼佬日常用同你讀書又唔同,搞搞下就變成語文塔利班或者何文匯,十分煩膠。
2. 不過啦喎,真係久病成良醫,我睇得多英文,自己寫就唔得啦,但大約都識分邊啲好邊啲唔好。呢段東西,唔少位我都覺得怪怪地,「完全好似我寫咁」,等你地專家出嚟指正。
3. 但,30,000 square foot,係feet 下話?
4. 而我相當肯定,個advance是錯的。陳芷菁mode,話晒本人啲Proof Reading都幾高分的。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
5. 順手自抽,我本新書都唔少錯字。有個讀者全部幫我列晒出嚟整咗個list,都好似有廿幾三十個(未計佢未見到嘅),7萬字,「兩千幾三千字先一個,又好似唔係好多」
6. 但實情,編輯嗰邊已經睇咗第一次(係有捉到不少錯字的),我又都睇咗第二次。都仲係有二三十個,所以我同個讀者講,早知搵你做義工校對。
7. 不過啦喎,「都仲係有啲唔同」,首先我嗰啲好多係打錯字,意義上有啲唔同。二來,我唔係出廣告嘛。三來,我唔係教人Grammer或開國際學校嘛。四來,你出個Post圈我啲錯字,咁都係冇得投訴的,因為真係錯嘛。五來,我篇文仲要講多兩千字幾多嘢嘛!
8. 講開國際學校,本人識條鐵,反正又冇小朋友。不過呢,第一印象當然係「逃學威龍」。第二印象就係大學年代有一期我在浸會(大學,唔係醫院)返暑期工,做打雜,咁放工成日都在又一城,睇下書(Page One)睇下戲(AMC)睇下女(好大個冰場,但我係睇看台上面嗰啲女,唔係踩冰嗰啲)。呢,台上面嗰啲女,就好多係附近國際學校的。
9. 後來到我表妹都讀國際學校,就詳情不方便透露啦,陣間又有人唔高興。不過呢,我就未變態(其實有乜咁戀態?)J我表妹的,我大佢十幾年,「雖然佢啲仔仲老過我」,但我舅父好撚煩的
10. (好似以前都寫過文講我舅父,我對佢嘅感情就複雜啲,外甥多似舅,是真的,我情況絶對係,我唔似任何親戚,但真係講最似,唔係老母唔係老豆唔係叔伯父表哥,而係舅父。都話佢比我十五六年入港大,雖然係雞科,但都係勁,仲要真係窮門,石圍角公屋咋,唔好話自己房,係連碌架床都冇,在廳瞓帆布床咋。而當年我就係睇佢啲讀者文摘呀,地球的奧秘呀,甚麼二十世紀大事回顧呀,咁學埋好多嘢,所以影響我幾大)
11. 之後呢,港大年代,我都周圍幫人補習,托賴高考成績好,港大個招牌又呃得下人,啲家長都唔介意我係大西北窮書生(雖然有啲會擔心我溝咗佢個女,事實亦有啲家長幫個女補習唔會請男仔,咁又事實我第一次上床就係同個補習女學生,可見啲家長嘅擔心合理,雖然擺明條女唔係第一次,應該係我老母去投訴佢個女多啲)。
12. 嗰時都補唔少名校學生,咁又出得起錢呢,況且太雞嘅我都費事補。咁除咗令我見到啲有錢人嘅屋企外,亦都真係發現—屌,有錢人啲女仔都真係靚啲,冇得講。反而仔我覺得分嘢冇咁大,有啲幾有錢讀名校嘅都係七六一條。
13. 咁當然,國際學校嘅女都有補,so happy,係靚啲的,打扮都唔同。有啲仲要講英文添,都有啲吃力,但又令我啲英文冇大幅下降。旨意讀港大就真係含得撚。我一路都話我港大畢業後嘅英文水平,一定低過中七嗰時。當然都好大程度係我自作自受,刁,我年代嘅價值觀呢,大學唔係教埋你英文下話(而家就大學中學化,教埋你普通話,教埋你英文,甚至教埋你見工,教你創業,爭在未教你點扑嘢)
14. 國際學校啲女,係真係唔同的。有個當年隊草添,真係對我嘅三觀造成幾大嘅衝擊。放心,冇甜,不過佢wing 下 wing下,我就錢照數。而我當然係幾年後去到英國先知嗰啲係草味。
15. 回想返,當時我都真係一個補習之霸。雖然我年代其實唔係好多地方洗錢:你見我暑假返浸會大學做打雜咋,嗰時邊撚興咩一年去幾次日本,澳門都冇得你去啦。咁有女,但梗係帶返宿舍或自己屋搞啦。又冇埃瘋,真係冇咁多嘢洗錢的。但冇法,嗰時真係開始接觸到花花世界,瘋狂補習,係多到有錢剩的 — 我仲要交租喎(第二年我在正街住,第三年住西邊街)。
16. 另外都要再提,嗰時有個好過癮嘅補習學生,其實應該相認到,皇仁仔,讀醫,住置富的(你老母不如開埋人地名丫,好似姓劉的)。過癮在,佢會考係9A的,勁過我,但都搵我補。佢老母(真係佢老母!)有玩試鐘(有錢畀返啦,都唔係罕見),個仔同我就一拍即合。高手過招呀,佢都叻,但我就數學叻佢些少咁多,就係可以幫佢突破到再多一層。補足兩年,佢如願讀醫,十分生,老母都好安慰(冇病),臨尾好似醒咗一兩皮嘢酬金畀我,真係十分感動。
17. 而家諗返,雖然補習嘅經歷都唔少(甚至令我有得做愛,雖然就算冇嗰個學生都遲早有愛做),但都係有啲後悔的。亦係我書有講嘅嘢。學生年代,真係唔好去搵錢,因為你根本搵得唔多(你去援交另計,但有其他問題,例如會衝擊你三觀,另文講)。後生細仔吸收力大,你畀我揀多次,我就寧願唔好補咁多習。講真咪多幾千蚊個月,一萬蚊好未?小錢嚟的。但當時應該去裝備自己,睇多啲書又好,學好啲煲冬瓜又好,學好啲德文法文日文韓文又好,睇多啲戲又好,乜都好。就係拎去搵錢,唔化算。因小失大
18. 呢個亦係我搞呢個「馬蘭頭獎學金」嘅原因,雖然十劃未大一撇。順手澄清返,我本書,128蚊本,初版2000,你當賣晒,你估我好多錢落袋咩。根本就算賣晒都係我倒貼啦,定你以為我啲獎學金一千幾百咁仆街?所以唔使小人之心覺得我借呢啲嘢cap 水。我又係嗰句。「我打次方榮記都千幾銀,使唔使寫7萬字呃你錢?」
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
square feet 在 FOOD Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dominating the Bukit Jalil skyline with its spectacular super-structure and 560-metre-long eye-catching external façade fronting the high-traffic highway, Pavilion Bukit Jalil is nearing completion and will soon be ready to transform the southern corridor of Kuala Lumpur into an elevated lifestyle destination connecting best-in-class retail, dining and leisure experience 😍😍😍
The linkage to the whole of Klang Valley through various highways makes it easy and convenient to get to the 1.8 million square feet super-regional mall, reinforcing its position as the Icon of Connectivity.
square feet 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳解答
This is getting ridiculous! Housing prices in China have now got to the insane price that an entire year's salary can only buy you 10 square feet, so on average it takes 900 years of salary to pay for a small 2 bedroom apartment in the big cities... Why? What's going on? How is it that this market hasn't exploded yet?
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square feet 在 Phương Dung Socola Youtube 的精選貼文
? Liên hệ Dung để mua KHÓA HỌC ĐÀN ONLINE gồm trọn bộ Video + Sách do Dung giảng dạy bài bản cho người mới bắt đầu đến khi chơi thành thạo các bài hát. Khóa học được dùng trọn đời và được tham gia group hỗ trợ dành riêng cho học viên ♡
Hoặc gọi SĐT 0966668804 - 028 3535 2434
► Bạn cần mua đàn thì liên hệ Shop mình theo Link này nha:
► Địa chỉ: số 81 đường Cộng Hòa, P.4, Q.Tân Bình, TP.HCM (SHIP HÀNG TOÀN QUỐC)
Sđt như trên
► Đăng ký học trực tiếp tại:
[C]Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
[C] Jingle bells swing and [Dm] jingle bells [G7]ring
[Dm] Snowing and [G7] blowing up [Dm]bushels of [G7] fun
[G] Now the jingle hop [Dm] has [G7] begun
[C] Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
[C] Jingle bells chime in [Dm] jingle bell [G7]time
[Dm] Dancing and [G7] prancing in [Dm]Jingle Bell [G7 ]Square
[Dm] In the [G] frosty [C] air
What a [F] bright time, it's the [F] right time
To [C] rock the night [C7] away
Jingle [D] bell time is a [D7] swell time
[G] To go [G7] gliding in a [G] one-horse [G7]sleigh
[C] Giddy-up [Cmaj7] jingle horse, [C6] pick up your [C] feet
[C] Jingle around the [A7] clock
[F] Mix and [Fm] mingle in the [D7] jingling [Fm]beat
[Dm] That's the [G] jingle bell [C] rock
[C] Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
[Dm] Dancing and [G7] prancing in [Dm]Jingle Bell [G7] Square
[Dm] In the [G] frosty [C] air
What a [F] bright time, it's the [F] right time
To [C] rock the night [C7] away
Jingle [D] bell time is a [D7] swell time
[G] To go [G7] gliding in a [G]one-horse [G7]sleigh
[C] Giddy-up [Cmaj7] jingle horse, [C6] pick up your [C]feet
[C] Jingle around the [A7]clock
[F] Mix and [Fm] mingle in the [D7] jingling [Fm]beat
[Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell
[Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell
[Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell [C]rock
♡♡♡ Nếu bạn muốn ủng hộ Video của Dung, bạn có thể Donate - Thưởng cho Dung nhé ? ^^ dù là bao nhiêu thì Dung cũng vô cùng trân quý và biết ơn, cám ơn bạn rất nhiều ♡♡♡
1. Vietcombank (chi nhánh Sài Gòn)
Lê Thị Phương Dung
2. Ví Momo
Tên : Le Thi Phuong Dung
Số điện thoại : 0937 549 703
square feet 在 Phương Dung Socola Youtube 的最佳解答
? Liên hệ Dung để mua KHÓA HỌC ĐÀN ONLINE gồm trọn bộ Video + Sách do Dung giảng dạy bài bản cho người mới bắt đầu đến khi chơi thành thạo các bài hát. Khóa học được dùng trọn đời và được tham gia group hỗ trợ dành riêng cho học viên ♡
Hoặc gọi SĐT 0966668804 - 028 3535 2434
► Bạn cần mua đàn thì liên hệ Shop mình theo Link này nha:
► Địa chỉ: số 81 đường Cộng Hòa, P.4, Q.Tân Bình, TP.HCM (SHIP HÀNG TOÀN QUỐC)
Sđt như trên
► Đăng ký học trực tiếp tại:
[D] Jingle bell, [Dmaj7]jingle bell, [D6]jingle bell [D] rock
[D] Jingle bells [D] swing and [Em]jingle bells [A7]ring
[Em]Snowing and [A7]blowing up [Em]bushels of [A7]fun
[A]Now the jingle hop [Em]has [A7]begun
[D] Jingle bell, [Dmaj7] jingle bell, [D6] jingle bell [D] rock
[D] Jingle bells [D] chime in [Em] jingle bell [A7]time
[Em] Dancing and [A7] prancing in [Em] Jingle Bell [A7] Square
[Em] In the [A] frosty [D] air
What a [G] bright time, it's the [G] right time
To [D] rock the night [D7] away
Jingle [E] bell time is a [E7] swell time
To [A] go [A7] gliding in a [A] one-horse [A7]sleigh
[D] Giddy-up [Dmaj7] jingle horse, [D6] pick up your [D] feet
[D] Jingle around the [B7] clock
[G] Mix and [Gm] mingle in the [E7] jingling [Gm] beat
[Em] That's the [A] jingle bell [D] rock
[D]Jingle bell, [Dmaj7]jingle bell, [D6]jingle bell [D]rock
[Em]Dancing and [A7]prancing in [Em]Jingle Bell [A7]Square
[Em]In the [A]frosty [D]air
What a [G]bright time, it's the right time
To [D]rock the night [D7]away
Jingle [E]bell time is a [E7]swell time
To [A]go [A7]gliding in a [A]one-horse [A7]sleigh
[D]Giddy-up [Dmaj7]jingle horse, [D6]pick up your [D]feet
[D] Jingle around the [B7]clock
[G]Mix and [Gm]mingle in the [E7]jingling [Gm]beat
[Em]That's the [A]jingle bell
[Em]That's the [A]jingle bell
[Em]That's the [A]jingle bell [D]rock
♡♡♡ Nếu bạn muốn ủng hộ Video của Dung, bạn có thể Donate - Thưởng cho Dung nhé ? ^^ dù là bao nhiêu thì Dung cũng vô cùng trân quý và biết ơn, cám ơn bạn rất nhiều ♡♡♡
1. Vietcombank (chi nhánh Sài Gòn)
Lê Thị Phương Dung
2. Ví Momo
Tên : Le Thi Phuong Dung
Số điện thoại : 0937 549 703
square feet 在 Nine Square Feet - Home | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Nine Square Feet is a dynamic non-profit with the mission to share seeds, plants and food in the Des Moines metro area and central Iowa. ... <看更多>